**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc)*
- [Chapter 7: Modules and other bits and pieces *Not written*](#chapter-7-modules-and-other-bits-and-pieces-not-written)
- [7.1: Control over modules: `zmodload`](#71-control-over-modules-zmodload)
- [7.1.1: Modules defining parameters](#711-modules-defining-parameters)
- [7.1.2: Low-level system interaction](#712-low-level-system-interaction)
- [7.1.3: ZFTP](#713-zftp)
- [7.2: Contributed bits](#72-contributed-bits)
- [7.2.1: Prompt themes](#721-prompt-themes)
- [7.3: What's new in 4.1](#73-whats-new-in-41)
# Chapter 7: Modules and other bits and pieces *Not written*
## 7.1: Control over modules: `zmodload`
### 7.1.1: Modules defining parameters
### 7.1.2: Low-level system interaction
### 7.1.3: ZFTP
## 7.2: Contributed bits
### 7.2.1: Prompt themes
## 7.3: What's new in 4.1