#+title: Loki ** Rsyslog forwarding to Promtail and Loki #+BEGIN_QUOTE Running Loki and Promtail on the same host as Prometheus makes managing the firewall and network routes easier. #+END_QUOTE This is roughly what our network looks like: *Main Monitoring Node* - Runs Prometheus, Promtail, Loki, and rsyslog. - Traffic must be allowed through the firewall on TCP port 514. If using Tailscale, ensure the ACLs are setup correctly. - It has an rsyslog ruleset that catches all forwarded logs through TCP port 514 and relays them to Promtail on TCP port 1514. - Promtail pushes the logs its receives via TCP port 1514 to the Loki client listening on TCP port 3100. *Regular Node 1* - It has an rsyslog ruleset that forwards logs to the Main Monitoring Node on TCP port 514. - Is allowed to access TCP port 514 on the Main Monitoring Node. *Regular Node 2* - It has an rsyslog ruleset that forwards logs to the Main Monitoring Node on TCP port 514. - Is allowed to access TCP port 514 on the Main Monitoring Node. *** Install Rsyslog, Promtail, and Loki on the Main Monitoring Node #+BEGIN_SRC shell # Debian-based hosts sudo apt install -y promtail loki rsyslog # Fedora-based hosts sudo dnf install -y promtail loki rsyslog #+END_SRC Edit ~/etc/promtail/config.yml~. #+BEGIN_SRC yaml server: http_listen_port: 9081 grpc_listen_port: 0 positions: filename: /var/tmp/promtail-syslog-positions.yml clients: - url: http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push scrape_configs: - job_name: syslog syslog: listen_address: labels: job: syslog relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__syslog_message_hostname] target_label: hostname - source_labels: [__syslog_message_severity] target_label: level - source_labels: [__syslog_message_app_name] target_label: application - source_labels: [__syslog_message_facility] target_label: facility - source_labels: [__syslog_connection_hostname] target_label: connection_hostname #+END_SRC Edit ~/etc/loki/config.yml~. #+BEGIN_SRC yaml auth_enabled: false server: http_listen_port: 3100 grpc_listen_port: 9096 common: instance_addr: path_prefix: /tmp/loki storage: filesystem: chunks_directory: /tmp/loki/chunks rules_directory: /tmp/loki/rules replication_factor: 1 ring: kvstore: store: inmemory query_range: results_cache: cache: embedded_cache: enabled: true max_size_mb: 100 schema_config: configs: - from: 2020-10-24 store: tsdb object_store: filesystem schema: v13 index: prefix: index_ period: 24h ruler: alertmanager_url: http://localhost:9093 #+END_SRC Edit ~/etc/rsyslog.d/00-promtail-relay.conf~. #+BEGIN_SRC rsyslog # https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/concepts/multi_ruleset.html#split-local-and-remote-logging ruleset(name="remote"){ # https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/modules/omfwd.html # https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/clients/promtail/scraping/#rsyslog-output-configuration action(type="omfwd" Target="localhost" Port="1514" Protocol="tcp" Template="RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format" TCP_Framing="octet-counted") } # https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/modules/imudp.html module(load="imudp") input(type="imudp" port="514" ruleset="remote") # https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/modules/imtcp.html module(load="imtcp") input(type="imtcp" port="514" ruleset="remote") #+END_SRC Ensure the firewall allows TCP traffic to port 514. #+BEGIN_SRC shell sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=tailnet --add-port=514/tcp sudo firewall-cmd --reload #+END_SRC Restart and/or enable the services. #+BEGIN_SRC shell sudo systemctl enable --now promtail.service sudo systemctl enable --now loki.service sudo systemctl enable --now rsyslog.service #+END_SRC *** Install and configure Rsyslog on Regular Node 1 and Regular Node 2 #+BEGIN_SRC shell # Debian sudo apt install -y rsyslog # Fedora sudo dnf install -y rsyslog #+END_SRC Enable and start the rsyslog service. #+BEGIN_SRC shell sudo systemctl enable --now rsyslog #+END_SRC Edit ~/etc/rsyslog.conf~. #+BEGIN_SRC rsyslog ############### #### RULES #### ############### # Forward to Main Monitoring Node *.* action(type="omfwd" target="" port="514" protocol="tcp" action.resumeRetryCount="100" queue.type="linkedList" queue.size="10000") #+END_SRC Restart the rsyslog service. #+BEGIN_SRC shell sudo systemctl restart rsyslog.service #+END_SRC In the Grafana UI, you should now be able to add Loki as a data source. Then go to Home > Explore > loki and start querying logs from Regular Node 1 and Regular Node 2.