About time I update these I guess
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# Press Ctrl-H to access it
home = "gemini://hyperreal.coffee"
home = "about:newtab"
# Follow up to 5 Gemini redirects without prompting.
# A prompt is always shown after the 5th redirect and for redirects to protocols other than Gemini.
@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ scrollbar = "auto"
# Client certificates
# Set domain name equal to path to client cert
# "example.com" = 'mycert.crt'
"astrobotany.mozz.us" = "~/.local/share/amfora/astrobotany-cert.pem"
"bbs.geminispace.org" = "~/.config/amfora/idents/fd10177ef16eb7c13bf68cccc144e09bd7b87d885f77b6a34c0a7599582535a0.crt"
# Client certificate keys
# Set domain name equal to path to key for the client cert above
# "example.com" = 'mycert.key'
"astrobotany.mozz.us" = "~/.local/share/amfora/astrobotany-key.pem"
"bbs.geminispace.org" = "~/.config/amfora/idents/fd10177ef16eb7c13bf68cccc144e09bd7b87d885f77b6a34c0a7599582535a0.key"
# If you have a non-US keyboard, use bind_tab1 through bind_tab0 to
@ -234,13 +234,33 @@ other = 'off'
# prompt appearing, you can add no_prompt = true
cmd = ['ristretto']
cmd = ['eog']
types = ["image"]
no_prompt = true
cmd = ['zathura']
cmd = ['foliate']
types = ["application/epub+zip"]
no_prompt = true
cmd = ['evince']
types = ["application/pdf"]
no_prompt = true
cmd = ['vlc', '-']
types = ["audio", "video"]
stream = true
cmd = ['emacsclient']
types = [
no_prompt = true
# Note: Multiple handlers cannot be defined for the same full media type, but
# still there needs to be an order for which handlers are used. The following
@ -1,10 +1,34 @@
# Welcome to Gemini!
_____ _ _ _____
/ ____| (_) (_) / ____|
| | __ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ __ _ | (___ _ __ __ _ ___ ___
| | |_ |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| | '_ \| | \___ \| '_ \ / _` |/ __/ _ \
| |__| | __/ | | | | | | | | | | ____) | |_) | (_| | (_| __/
\_____|\___|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|_| |_____/| .__/ \__,_|\___\___|
| |
## Internal pages
=> about:bookmarks Bookmarks
=> about:subscriptions Subscriptions
## Geminispace
## Gemini Space
=> gemini://hyperreal.coffee hyperreal.coffee
=> gemini://makeworld.space/amfora-wiki/ Amfora Wiki
=> gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/ Project Gemini
## BBS Quicklinks
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org bbs.geminispace.org
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/ascii-art?feed s/ascii-art
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/emacs?feed s/emacs
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/Fediverse?feed s/Fediverse
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/Gemini?feed s/Gemini
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/Geminispace?feed s/Geminispace
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/homelab?feed s/homelab
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/IPFS?feed s/IPFS
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/IRL-Issues?feed s/IRL-Issues
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/Lagrange?feed s/Lagrange
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/Linux?feed s/Linux
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/privacy?feed s/privacy
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/retrocomputing?feed s/retrocomputing
=> gemini://bbs.geminispace.org/s/retrogaming?feed s/retrogaming
@ -1,959 +0,0 @@
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<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
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<string>String regex</string>
<string>bold italic</string>
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<string>keyword.control.loop, keyword.control.conditional, keyword.control.c++</string>
<string>keyword.control.return, keyword.control.flow.return</string>
<string>keyword.operator, punctuation.accessor</string>
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<string>Punctuation terminator</string>
<string>Punctuation bracket</string>
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<string>entity.name.function.constructor, entity.name.function.destructor</string>
<string>Function argument</string>
<string>Function declaration</string>
<string>Library function</string>
<string>Library constant</string>
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<string>support.type, support.class</string>
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<string>Variable function</string>
<string>Variable parameter</string>
<string>Variable other</string>
<string>Variable field</string>
<string>Variable language</string>
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<string>Markdown URL</string>
<string>italic underline</string>
<string>Markdown reference</string>
<string>Markdown literal</string>
<string>comment.block.markdown, meta.code-fence, markup.raw.code-fence, markup.raw.inline</string>
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<string>punctuation.definition.heading, entity.name.section</string>
<string>Markdown emphasis</string>
<string>Markdown strong</string>
<string>Bash built-in function</string>
<string>source.shell.bash meta.function.shell meta.compound.shell meta.function-call.identifier.shell</string>
<string>Bash parameter</string>
<string>Lua field</string>
<string>source.lua meta.function.lua meta.block.lua meta.mapping.value.lua meta.mapping.key.lua string.unquoted.key.lua</string>
<string>Lua constructor</string>
<string>source.lua meta.function.lua meta.block.lua meta.mapping.key.lua string.unquoted.key.lua</string>
<string>Java constant</string>
<string>CSS property</string>
<string>CSS constant</string>
<string>CSS suffix</string>
<string>constant.numeric.suffix.css, keyword.other.unit.css</string>
<string>CSS variable property</string>
<string>variable.other.custom-property.name.css, support.type.custom-property.name.css, punctuation.definition.custom-property.css</string>
<string>SCSS tag</string>
<string>SASS variable</string>
<string>Invalid deprecated</string>
<string>Diff header</string>
<string>meta.diff, meta.diff.header</string>
<string>Diff deleted</string>
<string>Diff inserted</string>
<string>Diff changed</string>
<string>Message error</string>
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
editor = "emacs"
editor = "emacsclient"
pager = "diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX"
defaultBranch = "main"
@ -8,5 +8,3 @@
email = "23226432+hyperreal64@users.noreply.github.com"
name = "Jeffrey Serio"
home = /home/jas/repos/github.com/hyperreal64/gists
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
theme = "catppuccin_mocha"
line-number = "relative"
cursorline = true
color-modes = true
insert = "bar"
normal = "block"
select = "underline"
@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
modi: "drun,filebrowser,Bookmarks:/home/jas/.config/rofi/rofi-json.sh /home/jas/sync/documents/bookmarks.json,gh-starred:/home/jas/bin/rofistarred,Emoji:/bin/rofimoji -a copy";
modi: "drun,filebrowser,window";
lines: 5;
font: "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono 13";
font: "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono 14";
show-icons: true;
icon-theme: "Papirus-Dark";
terminal: "xfce4-terminal";
terminal: "gnome-terminal";
drun-display-format: "{icon} {name}";
location: 0;
disable-history: false;
hide-scrollbar: true;
display-drun: " Apps ";
display-drun: " Apps ";
display-run: " Run ";
display-window: " Windows ";
display-window: " 🗔 Windows ";
display-Network: " Network ";
display-filebrowser: " Files ";
display-Bookmarks: " Bookmarks ";
display-gh-starred: " GitHub Starred ";
display-Emoji: " Emoji";
display-filebrowser: " 📁 Files ";
sidebar-mode: true;
@ -29,7 +26,7 @@ element-text, element-icon , mode-switcher {
window {
height: 800px;
width: 1000px;
width: 1200px;
border: 3px;
border-color: @border-col;
background-color: @bg-col;
@ -75,13 +72,13 @@ listview {
element {
padding: 3px;
padding: 1px;
background-color: @bg-col;
text-color: @fg-col ;
element-icon {
size: 24px;
size: 32px;
element selected {
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
user_file="$(eval echo ${1})"
if [[ "$user_file" = /* ]]
cwd=$(dirname $0)
json=$(cat ${config_file})
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
echo $json | jq -cr '.[] | "\(.name)|\(.command)|\(.icon)"' |
while IFS="|" read -r name command icon
if [[ $name == "null" ]]; then
if [[ $icon == "null" ]]; then
echo -en "${name}\0icon\x1f${icon}\n"
exit 1
if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
task=$(echo $json | jq ".[] | select(.name == \"$selected\")")
if [[ $task == "" ]]; then
exit 1
command=$(echo $task | jq -j ".command")
if [[ $command == "null" ]]; then
command=$(echo $task | jq -j ".name")
coproc bash -c "$command"
@ -8,10 +8,5 @@ layout {
plugin location="zellij:status-bar"
tab name="journald" {
pane command="sudo" {
args "journalctl" "-f"
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
* {
bg-col: #191724;
bg-col-light: #26233a;
border-col: #eb6f92;
selected-col: #31748f;
blue: #eb6f92;
fg-col: #e0def4;
fg-col2: #e0def4;
grey: #6E6A86;
width: 600;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
" Name: catppuccin_mocha.vim
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists('syntax on')
syntax reset
let g:colors_name='catppuccin_mocha'
set t_Co=256
let s:rosewater = "#F5E0DC"
let s:flamingo = "#F2CDCD"
let s:pink = "#F5C2E7"
let s:mauve = "#CBA6F7"
let s:red = "#F38BA8"
let s:maroon = "#EBA0AC"
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let s:green = "#A6E3A1"
let s:teal = "#94E2D5"
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let s:overlay0 = "#6C7086"
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let s:surface1 = "#45475A"
let s:surface0 = "#313244"
let s:base = "#1E1E2E"
let s:mantle = "#181825"
let s:crust = "#11111B"
function! s:hi(group, guisp, guifg, guibg, gui, cterm)
let cmd = ""
if a:guisp != ""
let cmd = cmd . " guisp=" . a:guisp
if a:guifg != ""
let cmd = cmd . " guifg=" . a:guifg
if a:guibg != ""
let cmd = cmd . " guibg=" . a:guibg
if a:gui != ""
let cmd = cmd . " gui=" . a:gui
if a:cterm != ""
let cmd = cmd . " cterm=" . a:cterm
if cmd != ""
exec "hi " . a:group . cmd
call s:hi("Normal", "NONE", s:text, s:base, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Visual", "NONE", "NONE", s:surface1,"bold", "bold")
call s:hi("Conceal", "NONE", s:overlay1, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("ColorColumn", "NONE", "NONE", s:surface0, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Cursor", "NONE", s:base, s:text, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("lCursor", "NONE", s:base, s:text, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("CursorIM", "NONE", s:base, s:text, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("CursorColumn", "NONE", "NONE", s:mantle, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("CursorLine", "NONE", "NONE", s:surface0, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Directory", "NONE", s:blue, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("DiffAdd", "NONE", s:base, s:green, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("DiffChange", "NONE", s:base, s:yellow, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("DiffDelete", "NONE", s:base, s:red, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("DiffText", "NONE", s:base, s:blue, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("EndOfBuffer", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("ErrorMsg", "NONE", s:red, "NONE", "bolditalic" , "bold,italic")
call s:hi("VertSplit", "NONE", s:crust, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Folded", "NONE", s:blue, s:surface1, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("FoldColumn", "NONE", s:overlay0, s:base, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("SignColumn", "NONE", s:surface1, s:base, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("IncSearch", "NONE", s:surface1, s:pink, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("CursorLineNR", "NONE", s:lavender, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("LineNr", "NONE", s:surface1, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("MatchParen", "NONE", s:peach, "NONE", "bold", "bold")
call s:hi("ModeMsg", "NONE", s:text, "NONE", "bold", "bold")
call s:hi("MoreMsg", "NONE", s:blue, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("NonText", "NONE", s:overlay0, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Pmenu", "NONE", s:overlay2, s:surface0, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("PmenuSel", "NONE", s:text, s:surface1, "bold", "bold")
call s:hi("PmenuSbar", "NONE", "NONE", s:surface1, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("PmenuThumb", "NONE", "NONE", s:overlay0, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Question", "NONE", s:blue, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("QuickFixLine", "NONE", "NONE", s:surface1, "bold", "bold")
call s:hi("Search", "NONE", s:pink, s:surface1, "bold", "bold")
call s:hi("SpecialKey", "NONE", s:subtext0, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("SpellBad", s:red, "NONE", "NONE", "underline", "underline")
call s:hi("SpellCap", s:yellow, "NONE", "NONE", "underline", "underline")
call s:hi("SpellLocal", s:blue, "NONE", "NONE", "underline", "underline")
call s:hi("SpellRare", s:green, "NONE", "NONE", "underline", "underline")
call s:hi("StatusLine", "NONE", s:text, s:mantle, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("StatusLineNC", "NONE", s:surface1, s:mantle, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("TabLine", "NONE", s:surface1, s:mantle, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("TabLineFill", "NONE", "NONE", s:mantle, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("TabLineSel", "NONE", s:green, s:surface1, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Title", "NONE", s:blue, "NONE", "bold", "bold")
call s:hi("VisualNOS", "NONE", "NONE", s:surface1, "bold", "bold")
call s:hi("WarningMsg", "NONE", s:yellow, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("WildMenu", "NONE", "NONE", s:overlay0, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Comment", "NONE", s:surface2, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Constant", "NONE", s:peach, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Identifier", "NONE", s:flamingo, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Statement", "NONE", s:mauve, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("PreProc", "NONE", s:pink, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Type", "NONE", s:blue, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Special", "NONE", s:pink, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Underlined", "NONE", s:text, s:base, "underline", "underline")
call s:hi("Error", "NONE", s:red, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Todo", "NONE", s:base, s:yellow, "bold", "bold")
call s:hi("String", "NONE", s:green, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Character", "NONE", s:teal, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Number", "NONE", s:peach, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Boolean", "NONE", s:peach, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Float", "NONE", s:peach, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Function", "NONE", s:blue, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Conditional", "NONE", s:red, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Repeat", "NONE", s:red, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Label", "NONE", s:peach, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Operator", "NONE", s:sky, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Keyword", "NONE", s:pink, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Include", "NONE", s:pink, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("StorageClass", "NONE", s:yellow, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Structure", "NONE", s:yellow, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("Typedef", "NONE", s:yellow, "NONE", "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("debugPC", "NONE", "NONE", s:crust, "NONE", "NONE")
call s:hi("debugBreakpoint", "NONE", s:overlay0, s:base, "NONE", "NONE")
hi link Define PreProc
hi link Macro PreProc
hi link PreCondit PreProc
hi link SpecialChar Special
hi link Tag Special
hi link Delimiter Special
hi link SpecialComment Special
hi link Debug Special
hi link Exception Error
hi link StatusLineTerm StatusLine
hi link StatusLineTermNC StatusLineNC
hi link Terminal Normal
hi link Ignore Comment
" Set terminal colors for playing well with plugins like fzf
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ s:surface1, s:red, s:green, s:yellow, s:blue, s:pink, s:teal, s:subtext1,
\ s:surface2, s:red, s:green, s:yellow, s:blue, s:pink, s:teal, s:subtext0
\ ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
set termguicolors
colorscheme catppuccin_mocha
set relativenumber
@ -6,10 +6,7 @@
typeset -U PATH path
# Set Go path if it exists
if test -d "${HOME}/go"; then
[ -d "${HOME}/go/bin" ] && path+=("${HOME}/go/bin")
# Set Cargo path for Rust binaries
[ -d "${HOME}/.cargo/bin" ] && path+=("${HOME}/.cargo/bin")
@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ zplug "zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search"
# Use syntax highlighting when typing commands
zplug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting", defer:2
# Use fast-syntax-highlighting
#zplug "zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting"
# Press escape twice to prepend `sudo` to the command line
zplug "plugins/sudo", from:oh-my-zsh
@ -82,7 +85,7 @@ zplug load
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh
export DOOMDIR="${HOME}/sync/doom"
export LS_COLORS=$(cat ~/.lscolors.sh)
export PAGER="less -X"
@ -157,3 +160,10 @@ export BAT_THEME="Catppuccin-mocha"
# Automatically remove duplicates from these arrays
typeset -gU path cdpath manpath fpath
# Source broot
[ -d "${HOME}/.config/broot" ] && source "${HOME}/.config/broot/launcher/bash/br"
# compatibility with vterm-buffer-name-string in Emacs
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook -Uz chpwd() { print -Pn "\e]2;%m:%2~\a" }
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
# Execute bash on host (ostree-based)
alias hostexec='distrobox-host-exec bash'
# Get top 10 shell commands
alias top10='print -l ${(o)history%% *} | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 10'
@ -41,8 +44,8 @@ alias UP2low='for i in *(.); mv $i ${i:l}'
alias low2UP='for i in *(.); mv $i ${i:u}'
# The ls family
if test -x "$(command -v exa)"; then
alias ls='exa'
if test -x "$(command -v lsd)"; then
alias ls='lsd'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ alias la='ls -a'
alias ll='ls -l'
alias lal='ls -al'
alias ldot='ls -gld .*'
alias lse='/bin/ls -lZ'
alias lse='ls -lZ'
# greps
alias grep='grep --color'
@ -67,7 +70,7 @@ fi
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias rm='trash'
alias del='rm -i'
alias del='/bin/rm -i'
# Display zsh functions with bat
alias zfun='functions | bat -l zsh'
@ -78,29 +81,21 @@ alias -g T='| tail'
alias -g G='| grep'
alias -g L='| less -X'
alias -g B='| bat'
alias -g LL='2>&1 | less'
alias -g NE='2> /dev/null'
alias -g NUL='> /dev/null 2>&1'
alias -g P='2>&1| pygmentize -l pytb'
alias -g J='| jq'
alias -g CC='| xclip -selection clipboard'
alias -g C='| wc -l'
alias -g SS='| sort'
alias -g Su='| sort -u'
alias -g Sn='| sort -n'
alias -g Snr='| sort -nr'
# Get public IP address
alias pubip='curl ipinfo.io'
# List apps with network connections
alias netCons='lsof -i'
alias netcons='lsof -i'
# List ports
alias tulp='ss -tulp'
# List open ports
alias openPorts='sudo lsof -i | grep LISTEN'
alias openports='sudo lsof -i | grep LISTEN'
# Ping google.com
alias pong='ping -c 3 www.google.com'
@ -112,19 +107,15 @@ alias ping='ping -c 3'
alias lsock='sudo lsof -i -P'
# List UDP sockets in use
alias lsockU='sudo lsof -nP | grep UDP'
alias lsocku='sudo lsof -nP | grep UDP'
# List TCP sockets in use
alias lsockT='sudo lsof -nP | grep TCP'
alias lsockt='sudo lsof -nP | grep TCP'
# Reboot / Poweroff
alias rbt='sudo systemctl reboot'
alias shut='sudo systemctl poweroff'
alias gpgs='gpg --search-keys'
alias gpgl='gpg --list-keys --with-fingerprint'
# firewalld
if test -x "$(command -v firewall-cmd)"; then
alias fw='sudo firewall-cmd'
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ if test -x "$(command -v gumssh)"; then
bindkey -s '^[s' 'gumssh^M'
## fman
if test -x "${HOME}/go/bin/fman"; then
bindkey -s '^[f' 'fman --theme catppuccin^M'
## ranger
if test -x "$(command -v ranger)"; then
bindkey -s '^[f' 'ranger^M'
## history substring search
@ -1,9 +1,27 @@
# Generate a pseudo-random 16-character string.
function genrand() {
openssl rand -base64 16
# Compatibility with emacs-libvterm
function vterm_printf() {
if [ -n "$TMUX" ] && ([ "${TERM%%-*}" = "tmux" ] || [ "${TERM%%-*}" = "screen" ]); then
# Tell tmux to pass the escape sequences through
printf "\ePtmux;\e\e]%s\007\e\\" "$1"
elif [ "${TERM%%-*}" = "screen" ]; then
# GNU screen (screen, screen-256color, screen-256color-bce)
printf "\eP\e]%s\007\e\\" "$1"
printf "\e]%s\e\\" "$1"
# Remove all .jpeg .jpg .png .svg files from downloads
function rmimg() {
find "${HOME}/downloads" \
-maxdepth 1 \
-type f \
\( -name "*.jpg" -o -name "*.jpeg" -o -name "*.svg" -o -name "*.png" \) \
\( -name "*.jpg" -o -name "*.jpg_original" -o -name "*.jpeg" -o -name "*.svg" -o -name "*.png" \) \
@ -32,6 +50,15 @@ function mark() {
return 0
# List bookmarks.
function lsmarks() {
echo "# Shellmarks" | gum format
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo "- $line"
done < "${HOME}/.shellmarks" | gum format
# Remove bookmarks.
function delmark() {
selection=$(cat "${HOME}/.shellmarks" | gum choose --no-limit)
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