import argparse import datetime as dt import json import os import sys import time from pathlib import Path import jsonschema from jsonschema import validate from rich import box from rich.console import Console from rich.table import Table from rich.traceback import install install(show_locals=True) VERSION = "0.0.10" default_date ="%Y-%m-%d") ELOG_DIR = os.getenv("ELOG_DIR") if ELOG_DIR is None: elog_dir = Path("~/elogs").expanduser() else: elog_dir = Path(ELOG_DIR) def elog_init(filename): """Initializes elog file and directory (if necessary)""" elog_file = elog_dir.joinpath(filename).with_suffix(".json") elog_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) elog_file.touch() json_array = [] with open(elog_file, "w") as ef: json.dump(json_array, ef) def elog_list(args): """List elog entries for provided timestamp range and/or elog file""" if args.file: selected_elog_file = elog_dir.joinpath(args.file) else: selected_elog_file = elog_dir.joinpath(default_date + "_elog").with_suffix( ".json" ) if not selected_elog_file.exists(): exit("elog file %s not found. Are you sure it exists?" % selected_elog_file) if not args.start: ts_from = selected_elog_file.stem[:10] + " 00:00:00" else: dt.datetime.strptime(args.start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ts_from = args.start if not args.end: ts_to ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: dt.datetime.strptime(args.end, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ts_to = args.end with open(selected_elog_file, "r") as ef: json_data = json.load(ef) table = Table(style="yellow", header_style="bold", box=box.ROUNDED) table.add_column("Index", justify="right", style="magenta") table.add_column("Timestamp", justify="left", style="dim") table.add_column("Message", justify="left") for i in range(len(json_data)): if json_data[i]["timestamp"] > ts_from and json_data[i]["timestamp"] < ts_to: table.add_row(str(i), json_data[i]["timestamp"], json_data[i]["message"]) console = Console() console.print(table) def elog_list_files(args): """Lists all elog files in elog directory""" for file in sorted(elog_dir.iterdir()): if file.is_file(): if args.absolute: print(file) else: print( def elog_search(args): """Search for a string in all elog files and print the result.""" found_entries = list() elog_list = [ for file in elog_dir.iterdir()] console = Console() for file in elog_list: with open(elog_dir.joinpath(file), "r") as ef: json_data = json.load(ef) for entry in json_data: if args.word in entry["message"]: found_entries.append(entry) if found_entries: for entry in found_entries: console.print( "[bold green]{0}[/bold green] {1}".format( entry["timestamp"], entry["message"] ) ) else: console.print( "[bold yellow]{0}[/bold yellow] was not found in any of the elog files".format( args.word ) ) def elog_sort(file): """Sort elog entries by timestamp in provided `file`""" with open(file, "r") as ef: json_data = json.load(ef) json_data.sort( key=lambda x: time.mktime( time.strptime(x["timestamp"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) ) with open(file, "w") as ef: json.dump(json_data, ef, indent=4) def validate_json(file): """Validate JSON data in provided `file`""" elog_schema = { "type": "array", "properties": { "timestamp": {"type": "string"}, "message": {"type": "string"}, }, } with open(file, "r") as ef: json_data = json.load(ef) try: validate(instance=json_data, schema=elog_schema) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: print("Invalid JSON detected on %s" % file) print(err) def elog_append(args): """ Append a new elog entry to the elog file indicated by provided timestamp. Else append to the elog file for current day """ if not args.timestamp: ts ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: dt.datetime.strptime(args.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ts = args.timestamp elog_filename = ts[:10] + "_elog" elog_file = elog_dir.joinpath(elog_filename).with_suffix(".json") if not elog_file.exists(): elog_init(elog_file) entry = {"timestamp": ts, "message": args.message} with open(elog_file, "r+") as ef: json_data = json.load(ef) json_data.append(entry) json.dump(json_data, ef, indent=4) elog_sort(elog_file) validate_json(elog_file) def elog_edit(args): """Edit elog entry at provided index argument""" if args.file: elog_file = elog_dir.joinpath(args.file) else: elog_file = elog_dir.joinpath(default_date + "_elog").with_suffix(".json") if not elog_file.exists(): exit("elog file not found. Please run 'elog append' to start a new elog file.") with open(elog_file, "r+") as ef: json_data = json.load(ef) json_data[args.index]["message"] = args.message json.dump(json_data, ef, indent=4) validate_json(elog_file) def elog_remove(args): """Remove an elog entry at provided index argument""" if args.file: elog_file = elog_dir.joinpath(args.file) else: elog_file = elog_dir.joinpath(default_date + "_elog").with_suffix(".json") if not elog_file.exists(): exit("elog file not found. Please run 'elog append' to start a new elog file.") with open(elog_file, "r") as ef: json_data = json.load(ef) json_data.pop(args.index) with open(elog_file, "w") as ef: json.dump(json_data, ef, indent=4) validate_json(elog_file) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="elog") parser.add_argument( "-v", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s {}".format(VERSION), help="Print version information", ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() add_parser = subparsers.add_parser("add", description="Add an elog entry") add_parser.add_argument( "-t", "--timestamp", required=False, type=str, action="store", help="Timestamp for elog entry: str", ) add_parser.add_argument( "-m", "--message", required=True, type=str, action="store", help="Message for elog entry: str", ) add_parser.set_defaults(func=elog_append) edit_parser = subparsers.add_parser("edit", description="Edit an elog entry") edit_parser.add_argument( "-i", "--index", required=True, type=int, action="store", help="Index of elog entry: int", ) edit_parser.add_argument( "-m", "--message", required=True, type=str, action="store", help="New message for elog entry: str", ) edit_parser.add_argument( "-f", "--file", required=False, type=str, action="store", help="elog file to edit. Ex: 2022-10-02_elog.json", ) edit_parser.set_defaults(func=elog_edit) rm_parser = subparsers.add_parser("rm", description="Remove an elog entry") rm_parser.add_argument( "-i", "--index", required=True, type=int, action="store", help="Index of elog entry: int", ) rm_parser.add_argument( "-f", "--file", required=False, type=str, action="store", help="elog file to remove from. Ex: 2022-10-02_elog.json", ) rm_parser.set_defaults(func=elog_remove) ls_parser = subparsers.add_parser("ls", description="List elog entries") ls_parser.add_argument( "-s", "--start", metavar="TIMESTAMP", required=False, type=str, action="store", help="From timestamp: str. Default is today at 00:00:00. Ex. 2022-09-28 13:45:00", ) ls_parser.add_argument( "-e", "--end", metavar="TIMESTAMP", required=False, type=str, action="store", help="To timestamp: str. Default is today at now. Ex. 2022-09-28 21:00:00", ) ls_parser.add_argument( "-f", "--file", required=False, type=str, action="store", help="elog file to view. Ex: 2022-10-02_elog.json", ) ls_parser.set_defaults(func=elog_list) ls_files_parser = subparsers.add_parser("lsfiles", description="List all elog files") ls_files_parser.add_argument( "-a", "--absolute", required=False, action="store_true", help="List the absolute paths of the elog files", ) ls_files_parser.set_defaults(func=elog_list_files) search_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "search", description="Search for keywords in elog files" ) search_parser.add_argument( "-w", "--word", required=True, type=str, action="store", help="Word to search for", ) search_parser.set_defaults(func=elog_search) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: parser.print_usage() else: args = parser.parse_args() args.func(args)