#!/usr/bin/env bash if ! test -x "$(command -v gum)"; then echo "Missing dependency: gum" echo "See github.com/charmbracelet/gum" exit 1 fi if ! test -x "$(command -v autossh)"; then echo "Missing dependency: autossh" exit 1 fi SSH_CONFIG="${HOME}/.ssh/config" hostn_array=() # Read HostNames from ssh config and store them in hostn_array. while IFS= read -r line; do if [[ "$line" == *"Host "* ]]; then hostn=$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $2 }') hostn_array+=("$hostn") fi done <"${SSH_CONFIG}" # Print each member of logins array on a new line and pipe to gum choose. # Store selection. selection=$(printf "%s\n" "${hostn_array[@]}" | gum choose --header="SSH Host" --limit=1) # If $selection is not aborted by user, pass it to the `autossh -M 0` command. if [ -n "${selection}" ]; then autossh -M 0 "${selection}" fi