====== The until loop ======
===== Synopsis =====
until ; do
===== Description =====
The until-loop is relatively simple in what it does: it executes the [[syntax:basicgrammar#lists | command list]] '''' and if the exit code of it was **not** 0 (FALSE) it executes ''''. This happens again and again until '''' returns TRUE.
This is exactly the opposite of the [[syntax:ccmd:while_loop | while loop]].
:!: Like all loops (both ''for''-loops, ''while'' and ''until''), this loop can be
* terminated (broken) by the ''break'' command, optionally as ''break N'' to break ''N'' levels of nested loops
* forced to immediately do the next iteration using the ''continue'' command, optionally as ''continue N'' analog to ''break N''
==== Return status ====
The return status is the one of the last command executed in '''', or ''0'' (''TRUE'') if none was executed.
===== Examples =====
===== Portability considerations =====
===== See also =====
* Internal: [[syntax:ccmd:while_loop | The while loop]]