#+title: archive-fandom-wiki This program archives the content of fandom wikis. It's pretty much feature-complete. I still have to add detailed comments to describe what each significant piece of code is doing. This program doesn't scrape from the fandom.com wiki sites directly; rather, it uses my [[https://wiki.hyperreal.coffee][BreezeWiki]] instance to avoid downloading unnecessary ads, images, and other junk. Each resulting archive is self-contained, meaning one can extract the contents and browse the wiki snapshot locally (offline). The URLs for CSS, images, and links in each page are replaced by the ~file:///~ URLs for their corresponding pages on the local filesystem. I formatted the Python program with ~black -l 79~ to comply with PEP8 standards. For usage info, run the program with no arguments: #+begin_src bash archive-fandom-wiki #+end_src Example usage: #+begin_src bash archive-fandom-wiki dishonored #+end_src