#!/usr/bin/env python3 """seed_armbian_torrents.py Description: Armbian torrents seed script This script will download Armbian torrent files and add them to a qBittorrent instance. It's intended to be run under /etc/cron.weekly or used in a systemd timer. This is a Python implementation of https://docs.armbian.com/Community_Torrent/ for qBittorrent. Usage: seed_armbian_torrents.py (HOSTNAME) (USERNAME) (PASSWORD) seed_armbian_torrents.py -h Examples: seed_armbian_torrents.py "http://localhost:8080" "admin" "adminadmin" seed_armbian_torrents.py "https://cat.seedhost.eu/lol/qbittorrent" "lol" "pw" Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit. """ import os import qbittorrentapi import requests from docopt import docopt