#!/usr/bin/env python3 """add_qbt_trackers.py Description: This script fetches torrent tracker URLs from plaintext lists hosted on the web and adds them to each torrent in a qBittorrent instance. Usage: add_qbt_trackers.py (HOSTNAME) (USERNAME) (PASSWORD) add_qbt_trackers.py -h Examples: add_qbt_trackers.py "http://localhost:8080" "admin" "adminadmin" Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit """ import requests from docopt import docopt from qbittorrent import Client if __name__ == "__main__": args = docopt(__doc__) # type: ignore # Initialize client and login qb = Client(args["HOSTNAME"]) qb.login(username=args["USERNAME"], password=args["PASSWORD"]) live_trackers_list_urls = [ "https://newtrackon.com/api/stable", "https://trackerslist.com/best.txt", "https://trackerslist.com/http.txt", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngosang/trackerslist/master/trackers_best.txt", ] combined_trackers_urls = [] for url in live_trackers_list_urls: response = requests.get(url, timeout=60) tracker_urls = [x for x in response.text.splitlines() if x != ""] combined_trackers_urls.extend(tracker_urls) for torrent in qb.torrents(): qb.add_trackers(torrent.get("hash"), "\n".join(combined_trackers_urls)) # type: ignore